I went quite sometime with out any problems but these last few runs its been a killer. I ran 10 miles on Sunday and not once did I feel the RT's but as soon as I stopped-thankfully a block from my house-they came on like freight train. And it hurt so bad I was in physical pain the rest of Sunday. And every time I went to the bathroom stuff came out and pretty much all day it was accompanied by blood...awesome! I've done lots of homework on this and have read this is so normal for runners especially the long distance runners. It has something to do with oxygen leaving that part of your body and going more to your heart. Then today, I did 6 on the TM. About mile 3 I started to get the pain and the gas, my last mile I had to clench and bear it, my last 400 meters I was afraid I was going to keel over in pain (so why do us runners keep going...I have no clue). As soon as I hit 6 I jumped off the TM and RAN to the bathroom and just in the nick of time too. And again this time more blood and lots of it but no pain. All the reading I have done says that even though the chance is that its absolutely nothing that when there is blood you need to see a doctor just to be safe. I'm debating it. I know if I just let this phase pass it will go away again...and then come back later, its what the RT's do! The logical part says go to the doctor, get the a-o-k and then stop worrying. But even the doctor scares me and its for the stupidest reason ever...I don't want my butt touched and I most certainly don't want anything put into my bum! And that's pretty much the reason why I don't go because something will have to be done to my exit only area... and it will only be so I can be told what I already know...runners trots! Why cant I get the other runners ailment...black and falling off toe nails?
Funny thing is... All while i was reading i kept saying to myself. "i'll take my black toe nails anyday" especially since i painted them i can't see the black and blueness.
ReplyDeleteI don't get RT often and I only had the bloody thing once. Sometimes I get cramping in my stomach and poop a lot after long runs. But not to often.
HA HA HA!! Love this! and it's soooo true :)
ReplyDeleteI don't want to give medical advice so don't hold me to this....but I am an 'ignore and it will eventually go away" kind of girl!
ReplyDeleteAunti says....see the Dr. and be sure that nothing is wrong. Blood in the stool to me is just wrong. The RTs don't make meworry but the blood is just plain wrong! At leas tyou can stop thinking about it and know it is OK or deal with any issues.
ReplyDeleteI've been going with the "just ignore it" plan for a few years now and I am still alive.
ReplyDeleteI've definitely had the RT's before. I've had some very close calls but never shat myself either. I agree... I hope to die before I do something awful like that. However... I have never had blood in my poo. I'm gonna say see a DR. Feel free to completely ignor me. But I think your body's trying to tell you something!
ReplyDeleteOh I agree blood in the poo isn't a good sign however its common with runners. All the reading I've done says 1-the thing about oxygen going to other areas and 2-hemroids lol. I don't want anything in my butt. If I was having the problem on non run days I would be concerned but honestly it only happens on days that I run and not all the time. I'm gonna keep waiting if it gets to the point where its painful and more requent I'll see a doctor. I still want the black and falling off toe nails!
ReplyDeleteOr bloody nipples, but that is mostly a dude problem